Elizabeth Warren excites Denver citizens at the Fillmore Auditorium


The Fillmore Auditorium. [photo by Caroline Acton]

DENVER—The crowd of 4,000 people roared as Senator Elizabeth Warren and ran onto the Fillmore Theater stage, holding Colorado Senator Julie Gonzalez’s hand. Behind her, signs of support are held, exclaiming “Dream Big, Fight Hard”, and “Colorado For Warren”. What will happen after she speaks to Denver on this Sunday evening?

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Warren draws thousands seeking “big, structural change” to Sunday’s rally in Denver

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Senator Warren fraternizes with rally attendees. [Photo by Will Belford]
DENVER- Current Senator and Presidential candidate, Elizabeth Warren, brought thousands of Denver residents together in the Fillmore Auditorium at her Feb. 23 rally. Although some believe she should pull out of the presidential race, the 4,000 enthusiastic supporters in attendance continue to stand with her.

With the crowd roaring and signs waving in the air, the rally commenced. There was a dominating presence of young adults waiting patiently to hear their hopeful future President elect shed some light on the nation’s biggest challenges.

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Elizabeth Warren Fills the Fillmore

The sun was beaming and the vibes were very positive on February 23, 2020, at Elizabeth Warrens rally in Denver. Yet the Elizabeth Warren campaign drastically under anticipated how many supporters would come to the Fillmore Audition in Denver for her speech. At 2:15 the doors of the Fillmore were closed to the public after reaching full capacity. The venue typically reaches capacity at 3,900 but allowed an extra 100 people into the speech. 

DU film students argue the criticism of film auteurism

The classroom where Jiminez screens a movie every Tuesday morning [Photo by Kaleigh Arciniega]

DU students trudge into their 8 am film criticism lecture after another frigid walk to class on Wednesday, February 19th. After a long haul across campus and through the neighborhood of Gaylord St., it’s clear that no one enthusiastic about the long lecture that lies ahead. But, in typical Carol fashion, professor Jimenez manages to get everyone’s brains stimulated from in depth discussions about film. 

“Is Todd Haynes an auteur?” Jimenez opens up the subjective question to the class.  

Putting all cards on the table, Elizabeth Warren hosts an electric rally calling for “big structural change”

DENVER –  What started as a grey, snowy morning slowly turned into a beautiful, warm Denver winter day. As the sun came out, so did the Elizabeth Warren supporters. As the crowds gathered, the 4,000 person intimate Fillmore Auditorium quickly filled up and became packed straight to the back. Unable to fit all of her supporters into this venue, Warren came outside of the auditorium to thank everyone for coming out, apologizing for not being able to fit everyone inside. 

The long line outside of Warren’s Denver rally [Photo by Zack Mykytiuk]

“I’ve got bad news, and I’ve got good news,” said Warren greeting the overflow outside of the auditorium, “the bad news is there’s no more room inside, the good news is there’s no more room inside!” 

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Elizabeth Warren promises “big change” at campaign rally in Denver

An Elizabeth Warren poster pictured outside the event at the Fillmore Auditorium. [Photo by Molly Murphy]

DENVER — A bright and sunny day just two weeks before Colorado’s Super Tuesday presidential primary, made for perfect timing for Elizabeth Warren’s stop in Denver, Colorado. On Sunday, Feb. 23, Warren held a campaign rally at the Fillmore Auditorium and shared her plans to make “big, structural change” in the Washington.

Warren is a U.S. senator from Massachusetts running for election in the Democratic party. In votes held so far in three states, Warren has consistently placed third or fourth. However, she seemed determined that this would change through her messages of strength and solidarity.

“I’m not a lifelong politician, but I’ll tell you what I am, I’m a lifelong fighter,” Warren added.

DU Women in Business emphasizes diversity, inclusivity in board meeting

The DU WiB board discusses event planning. [Photo by Zoe Grossman]

Although the term ‘women in business’ may sound like its essence and that the opportunities surrounding it exclusively cater to women, DU’s Women in Business club (WiB) makes it known that they offer much more than just that. 

The WiB board consists of president Amanda Martinez, vice president Milena Rogers, communications chair Sophia Mellsop, and events coordinator Sydney Romano, all of whom were present at a meeting on February 19. 

Young Israeli directors of ‘Golda’ share their fascinating experience making the film

Director of the Jewish Community Center (left) interviews directors of the film “Golda,” Udi Nir (middle) and Sagi Bornstein (right). [Photo by Kiera O’Neill]

After a screening of “Golda” across the hall in the Elaine Wolf Theatre, directors of the film, Udi Nir and Sagi Bornstein, took the stage in the community room at the Mizel Arts and Culture Center in Denver Tuesday evening. Nir and Bornstein had just flown in from Tel-Aviv and sat before a modest yet engaged crowd of older folks who were eager to learn more about the making of “Golda.”