Cigarettes are making a come back

A typical college night out. [Photo by Kaleigh Arciniega]

Seen as a safer alternative than cigarettes, highschool and college age kids around the globe are increasingly using vape products. Vape pens can include nicotine and THC having different effects depending on what it contains. A study found that the use of vaping products, or e-cigarettes, to vape marijuana as well as nicotine, doubled between 2017 and 2018 (Wolf). Due to it’s convenient nature having no smell, different flavored pods and disposable pods, products such as JUUL became especially trendy. 

University of Denver student, Parker Smith, started using vape products in 2016. “I don’t remember having a specific reason for using them other than how popular they were.” 


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University of Denver RTD light rail station. [Photo by Caroline Acton]
DENVER: The Denver RTD light rail, a project since October of 1994, has repeatedly struggled with maintaining ample numbers of employees, effecting scheduling and routes.

Employment has been an issue for months, as many local reporters have updated readers on the matter. Back in November, 67 light rail and bus trips were cancelled in one day, causing up to half of delays, reported Chase Woodruff in Westword.

Though this sounds bad, not everyone is upset. Students at the University of Denver still find it reliable.

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University of Denver students are obligated to pay a significant amount of money for off-campus housing

Katherine Kieley renews her lease for the 2020 year. [Photo by Anna DiFrancesco]

The University Of Denver off-campus housing cost has been seeing an increase as rent rates have risen over the past five years, but students have no choice but to pay these expensive monthly rates, as the desire to live in close proximity to campus outweighs the cost of rent. 

In the past, Denver housing has seen a .1% increase in cost. However, this past year the cost of rent has increased by 2.5%. Average housing cost for a two bedroom apartment in the Denver area is approximately $1,340. At the University of Denver, most students live in either a house or an apartment off campus. 

Snow buildup on Denver streets angering residents

Lingering snow and ice on the roads of Denver is an issue all residents are forced to deal with when a storm comes. It has become commonplace to walk down an iced over sidewalk, or to drive down an unplowed side road of Denver despite a message from Denver Public Works stating they would be working to deploy more snow and ice crews to residential areas in the future. 

A slippery front walk near campus [Photo by Zack Mykytiuk]
A slippery front walk near campus [Photo by Zack Mykytiuk]

Students at the University of Denver know these winter conditions too well, with them often effecting day to day activities when inclement weather strikes. 

“I have fallen multiple times while walking to class and have come quite close to injuring myself because of ice on the ground” said Hudson Cramer, a third-year finance major at the University of Denver, “I really think the city or the school should be doing more to make it safer for everyone”. 

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University of Denver students express thoughts on looming Impeachment Trials

“I Voted” sticker [Photo by Gabrielle Pisano]

President Donald Trump and his legal team are set to present their defense in the impeachment trial after the Democratic House managers laid out their case last week charging the president with obstruction of Congress and abuse of power. 

Being only the third president in US history to be impeached, Trump faces the next stage of the process that could potentially see him removed from office. It is centered around whether or not the accusations that Trump pressured Ukraine to dig up information on one of his main Democratic challengers for the presidency in 2020. 

Some DU students know the cost of fast fashion and shop second-hand

Fast fashion has a secured a center-stage spot as a major contributor to climate change— according to an article published in The Guardian in 2018, the fashion industry as a whole contributes more to climate change than the aeronautical and shipping industries combined, and much of this is thanks to fast fashion.

Fast fashion as defined by Phillip Picardi, the Chief Content Officer of Teen Vogue, is a series of chain retailers who look at what high fashion is putting on the runway and recreate those styles extremely quickly and cheaply, putting them into a “see-now, buy-now” environment. The biggest examples of these chain retailers are ZARA, FashionNova, H&M, and Topshop. And they are successful. Fast fashion is the only segment of the fashion industry that has grown in the last 15 years. 

Introduction of new technology threatens DU student privacy

DU student, Alex Rickett, scrolls through Facebook [Photo by Natalie Schiller]

Clearview AI, new facial recognition technology being adopted by law enforcement, scrapes photos and information from social media for use in their database – and is stirring up controversy across the US and on the University of Denver campus.

In an era of shared information, security is called into question with each tap of the finger. For law enforcement implementing Clearview AI, the very technology which could contribute to public security is encroaching on it in equal doses.   Continue reading

DU students find activism against sexual assault via Instagram

Student reading through the latest trending Instagram @wecanDUbetter [Photo by Haley Paez]

The pristine golden tower atop University of Denver’s own Ritchie Center was featured in the documentary the Hunting Ground which set the precedent for the discussion of sexual assaults on college campuses. The discussion began before the 2015 release of this movie and five years later, the concern is still high.

Just over a month in the making, the Instagram account @wecandubetter, has just under 3,000 followers on a campus of 5,000 students and has created almost 100 posts, brings awareness about the prevalence of gender violence on the University of Denver’s campus.

Higher prices and increase in traffic turn some DU students off to skiing

Driving on I-70 westbound towards Colorado’s most popular ski resorts. [Photo by Olivia Myrtue]

As the 2020 ski season begins, Colorado resorts are reporting significantly lower numbers in revenue and population of skiers than past seasons. This decrease likely has to do with tougher access to the mountains and the increased price in ski rentals and lift passes.