“If you don’t love what you’re doing, you’re f****d”

When thinking about a career in business, most of us have an image in our heads of an individual who got a college degree, maybe even an MBA, works five days a week and ten hours a day, they’ll have that job the majority of their life, and they will live a comfortable life regardless of their enjoyment of their profession. 

Arnold Feld, an 80 year old entrepreneur, didn’t go to college, didn’t work a single job for more than a decade, and never gave up. Most impressively, Feld refused to allow his creativity and passions to be squandered throughout both his life and his career, molding him into who he is today. 

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Putting all cards on the table, Elizabeth Warren hosts an electric rally calling for “big structural change”

DENVER –  What started as a grey, snowy morning slowly turned into a beautiful, warm Denver winter day. As the sun came out, so did the Elizabeth Warren supporters. As the crowds gathered, the 4,000 person intimate Fillmore Auditorium quickly filled up and became packed straight to the back. Unable to fit all of her supporters into this venue, Warren came outside of the auditorium to thank everyone for coming out, apologizing for not being able to fit everyone inside. 

The long line outside of Warren’s Denver rally [Photo by Zack Mykytiuk]

“I’ve got bad news, and I’ve got good news,” said Warren greeting the overflow outside of the auditorium, “the bad news is there’s no more room inside, the good news is there’s no more room inside!” 

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Thomasluke Florez-Mansi blesses the ears of the audience with a stunning classical performance

February 9, 2020 – DENVER. As the lights dimmed and the crowd silenced, Thomasluke Florez-Mansi of Sante Fe, New Mexico, walked on stage for his junior recital at the Lamont School of Music. Greeted by a warm applause, Florez-Mansi stood under the spotlight in front of a beautiful black grand piano dressed in a clean black suit with a black bowtie.  

Hamilton Hall. [photo by Zack Mykytiuk]
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Snow buildup on Denver streets angering residents

Lingering snow and ice on the roads of Denver is an issue all residents are forced to deal with when a storm comes. It has become commonplace to walk down an iced over sidewalk, or to drive down an unplowed side road of Denver despite a message from Denver Public Works stating they would be working to deploy more snow and ice crews to residential areas in the future. 

A slippery front walk near campus [Photo by Zack Mykytiuk]
A slippery front walk near campus [Photo by Zack Mykytiuk]

Students at the University of Denver know these winter conditions too well, with them often effecting day to day activities when inclement weather strikes. 

“I have fallen multiple times while walking to class and have come quite close to injuring myself because of ice on the ground” said Hudson Cramer, a third-year finance major at the University of Denver, “I really think the city or the school should be doing more to make it safer for everyone”. 

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