Opioid related deaths fall during Trump presidency

The United States as the opioid epidemic spreads. [Photo by: https://fortune.com/2017/01/17/facebook-video-goalposts/%5D
Due to factors such as overprescribing common, medicinally prescribed pain-subduing drugs as well as an increasing supply of fentanyl, deaths resulting in drug overdoses, more specifically, opioid related deaths in the United States have seen a substantial rise in the past few decades. However, as of lately, the trend has flipped.

In recent years, there has been a noticeable decline in deaths resulting from opioid abuse. This includes opioids overall, as fentanyl overdose deaths continue to rise.

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Michigan native leaves Detroit in search of a more “active real estate market”

Steve Elken (positioned middle left) poses with fellow owners of a senior living community in Arvada, CO. [Photo by http://www.springwoodretirement.com/our-retirement-campus%5D
DENVER- What was once known for its close proximity to so many ski mountains and for its pioneering recreational cannabis legalization, Denver is now being viewed as one of the largest hubs for real estate opportunities in the United States.

In 1985, founder and owner of Elkco and Michigan native, Steve Elken saw Denver’s real estate potential well in advance and capitalized.

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Warren draws thousands seeking “big, structural change” to Sunday’s rally in Denver

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Senator Warren fraternizes with rally attendees. [Photo by Will Belford]
DENVER- Current Senator and Presidential candidate, Elizabeth Warren, brought thousands of Denver residents together in the Fillmore Auditorium at her Feb. 23 rally. Although some believe she should pull out of the presidential race, the 4,000 enthusiastic supporters in attendance continue to stand with her.

With the crowd roaring and signs waving in the air, the rally commenced. There was a dominating presence of young adults waiting patiently to hear their hopeful future President elect shed some light on the nation’s biggest challenges.

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Team Fuego tops Team Con Queso in Sunday’s late-night intra-mural indoor soccer match

Team Fuego’s goaltender looks to clear the ball down court [Photo by Will Belford]
DENVER – After a valiant effort, Team Con Queso fell to Team Fuego 5-1 in their Feb. 9 DU intra-mural indoor soccer matchup at the Richie Center.

The game appeared to be more cutthroat than its final score illustrated. If there was no scoreboard, a spectator would have thought it was tied the entire game.

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