Composting on University of Denver campus: Does it actually make a difference?

By Sophie Smrcka

City of Denver compost bin. [Photo by Sophie Smrcka]

As you exit a dining hall, an academic building, a dorm, or the library on the University of Denver campus, you will see a compost bin. They are most often right next to the trash and recycling, clearly marked, and have a sign describing what should be disposed of in which receptacle. However, most of the time your napkin and food can be composted but your box for the food cannot be, the cup can be composted but the straw cannot. How many young college students are dedicated to actually separating their compost?

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Jeannene Bragg shares about being a Community Engagement Organizer at Curious Theatre

By Sophie Smrcka

Jeannene Bragg in her office. [Photo by Sophie Smrcka]

Seated in a spinning arm chair, surrounded by the papers and pens strewn across her L shaped desk, Jeannene Bragg sat in her office typing quickly on her computer to finish a few things up. On her walls were social justice posters and calendars filled to the brim with important dates— all in fun colors though. 

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DU religious studies professor Gregory Robbins gives speech on film and religion in celebration for receiving tenor

By Sophie Smrcka

Dr. Robbins waiting to be introduced. [Photo by Sophie Smrcka]

It was a cold Thursday afternoon, and people started to pour in the door for the lecture given by Dr. Gregory Robbins. Chatting, and taking off large winter jackets, professors and students alike began to pick out their seats and head to the back of the room to get coffee and snacks. Folks began to surround Robbins and say “congratulations,” for his being promoted to full time professor, the purpose for his lecture. 

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