How COVID-19 is affecting study abroad programs nationwide

An empty airport security checkpoint due to the coronavirus outbreak. [Photo by Getty images]

The coronavirus pandemic includes 190,000 confirmed cases worldwide, a number that is only expected to grow. With the spread of the virus most concentrated currently in locations throughout Europe, many universities are choosing to cancel upcoming study abroad programs, and to send students currently abroad home. 

Exploring creativity, Shari Erickson on the field of advertising

Shari Erickson pictured in Portland, OR. [Photo provided by Shari Erickson]

Throughout her career, Shari Erickson has worked for “big” agency advertisers, small shops, and has worked to help get a start-up agency established. As we connected on the phone from many miles away, she answered excitedly, eager to share her story and experience with the next generation of creatives and advertisers.

Erickson, now based out of Portland, Oregon, started out of Kansas with a BFA in Graphic Design from the University of Kansas School of Architecture and Design. 

Elizabeth Warren promises “big change” at campaign rally in Denver

An Elizabeth Warren poster pictured outside the event at the Fillmore Auditorium. [Photo by Molly Murphy]

DENVER — A bright and sunny day just two weeks before Colorado’s Super Tuesday presidential primary, made for perfect timing for Elizabeth Warren’s stop in Denver, Colorado. On Sunday, Feb. 23, Warren held a campaign rally at the Fillmore Auditorium and shared her plans to make “big, structural change” in the Washington.

Warren is a U.S. senator from Massachusetts running for election in the Democratic party. In votes held so far in three states, Warren has consistently placed third or fourth. However, she seemed determined that this would change through her messages of strength and solidarity.

“I’m not a lifelong politician, but I’ll tell you what I am, I’m a lifelong fighter,” Warren added.

Artist Corin Hewitt delivers compelling presentation on contemporary art to DU students

DU student Liza Shwartz outside Hewitt’s presentation at the Vicki Mhyren Gallery. [Photo by Molly Murphy]

The audience sat with anticipation, chatting amongst themselves as images of renowned artist Corin Hewitt appeared on the screen. As Hewitt made his way out on the stage, the students and other guests attentions quickly snapped from their own conversations to his presence. 

On, January 29 from 6-7:30 pm, the Vicki Myhren Gallery at the University of Denver hosted artist Corin Hewitt for a guest presentation on his art through his career.