Putting the teaching in teaching professor: Dr. Rachael Liberman talks about the academy

Dr. Rachael Liberman. [Photo credit: University of Denver]

The cramped, brick-lined office of Dr. Rachael Liberman is somewhat unimpressive. On one wall is a small whiteboard with ideas for research scrawled in bright marker. On another hangs a bulletin board with several fliers advertising a slew of events for DU’s Media Film and Journalism studies school and another few scraps of paper proclaiming the merits of feminism and sexual liberation. And at the center of it all sits the modest but very neat desk where Dr. Liberman works.

Here, sitting at this neat desk in a small room in an unimposing stone building at the edge of DU’s campus, Rachael Liberman tries to change students’ lives.

One thought on “Putting the teaching in teaching professor: Dr. Rachael Liberman talks about the academy

  1. natalieschiller March 12, 2020 / 11:13 pm

    I came for Rachael and stayed for the great writing! I love how you really layed out the scene of the interview and you truly painted a great picture of Professor Liberman’s career as a whole.


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