Elizabeth Warren excites Denver citizens at the Fillmore Auditorium


The Fillmore Auditorium. [photo by Caroline Acton]

DENVER—The crowd of 4,000 people roared as Senator Elizabeth Warren and ran onto the Fillmore Theater stage, holding Colorado Senator Julie Gonzalez’s hand. Behind her, signs of support are held, exclaiming “Dream Big, Fight Hard”, and “Colorado For Warren”. What will happen after she speaks to Denver on this Sunday evening?

Warren begins her speech by talking about the flaws of presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg, saying “we will not trade on billionaire for another”. She doesn’t like the way he uses his money in support of his campaign, similar to Trump, while she only uses grass-root funding.

She tells her story of growing up poor in Oklahoma—maybe to feel closer to her audience, or maybe to show she did not come from money. Then, shares a quote her mother told her in the peak of their money problems, “we don’t give up, we get in the fight.” This is what she says helped her get in this fight today.

Warren’s slogan has become “I have a plan for that”. She wants to make more things free: college, childcare, opioid crisis, green manufacturing. She feels strongly about big bank corporations, wanting to push some of the power from executives down to those working. She has a plan to tax the richer, pulling more funds for her big plans.

Will this be enough? According to the New York Times article titled Elizabeth Warren Has Lots of Plans. Together, They Would Remake the Economy, it will raise a lot of money, saying “Ms. Warren would seek big tax increases on the wealthiest individuals and corporations, creating a new tax on household assets that exceed $50 million as well as a new tax on corporate profits. From those two steps alone, she says she would raise at least $3.8 trillion over a decade”.

She also mentions large issues that may pull on the heart strings of Americans—gun violence, climate change, and immigration reform. She exclaims “it’s time to cut gun violence in this country!” Though these are claims easier said than done, she acknowledges that these are big fights to win, saying that eliminating the filibuster all together will help with votes, as it decreases those needed. After this, Warren mentions that this is the difference between her and Bernie, as he supports the filibuster. Along with that she is a capitalist reformer and he is a democratic socialist

She then stops and smiles for a second as the crowd roars “Warren, Warren, Warren, Warren…”

In the question portion of her speech, she talks about a couple crucial issues like Roe vs Wade. This is something Warren really supports, saying “we need to make Roe vs Wade the law of the land!”.

Another topic she covers is market economies, going back to one of her big points of taxing the rich. She supports markets but wants to reform things like trickle-down economics.

“We have a problem of giant corporations…we need a president who has the courage to enforce our anti-trust laws and break these up, she argues, “we need to make it easier to join and support a union because it will rebuild the middle class.”

She also believes that having universal childcare 0-5, universal pre-k, raised wages of those working in childcare, more money into public school, and free college for everyone will set the young up better for their future.

Warren wants to help and reform—will her funding ideas be enough to raise money for these policies? Republicans aren’t sure, but she’s headed onto South Carolina after making her argument.

4 thoughts on “Elizabeth Warren excites Denver citizens at the Fillmore Auditorium

  1. linneyagardner March 5, 2020 / 5:10 am

    I think you do a really good job providing information on what Warren stands for, what she wants to change, and who she is. It gives the reader really good insight on who the candidate is which is really important.


  2. linneyag March 5, 2020 / 5:11 am

    I think you do a really good job providing information on what Warren stands for, what she wants to change, and who she is. It gives the reader really good insight on who the candidate is which is really important.


  3. haleypaez9 March 8, 2020 / 7:52 pm

    This article gives a good perspective on the speech because it highlights the major topics that Warren brought up and the way she was received by the audience. It helps to inform the reader about the type of candidate that Warren is and the way she interacts with supporters at the rallies.


  4. mollymurphss March 9, 2020 / 4:43 pm

    I really enjoyed this article! You did a really great job bringing up the main points of Warren’s speech! It really helped me in understanding the general event.


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