Elizabeth Warren promises “big change” at campaign rally in Denver

Warren spoke and answered questions for over an hour in front of the 4,000 person crowd. The crowd was a filled with an atmosphere of excitement, and even included a hundred or so person overflow outside of the auditorium. From the turnout, it was clear that Warren’s place in the election was still in tact. 

As Warren took the stage, she was met with immediate applause and cheering from the crowd of supporters. Crowded into the auditorium, attendees huddled together in their attempts to get closer.

The word “fight” was reiterated continuously throughout Warren’s speech, reinforcing her claims of strength and engaging her supporters further. 

Warren highlighted her own role as a fighter when she said, “We need a fighter who can get things done, we need a fighter because we’ve got a lot that we need to get done.”

Speaking on her pasts success in the government, Warren stated, “I learned two things, when you fight you win, and we can make government work for the people, we can do it”

These claims of resilience and work for the people raised enormous applause and enthusiasm from the audience which began chanting in her support with her slogan of “Dream big, fight hard.”

Warren inside the event at the Fillmore Auditorium speaking to the audience. [Photo by Molly Murphy]

Throughout her speech Warren highlighted this fight through her plans for a wealth tax, whose money would fund several community beneficial programs, immigration reform, Medicare for all, and the addressing of the issue of gun violence. 

“I want to go to Washington to make big, structural change,” she stated. 

When asked by an audience member how she would implement her Medicare for All Plan, Warren was confident in securing the votes of the community. She left everything down to the vote of the people, and was confident that they would deliver.

“If we don’t get everything on the very first try, you know me, I will take the win and I will get up the next morning and fight for more,” she stated. 

When asked by another audience member about how she would shape her administration, specifically in the way of dealing with current education Secretary Betsy DeVoss. Warren highlighted that “some things have to go through Congress, but some things don’t, getting rid of Betsy DeVoss is one of them.”

Warren went on to highlight her previous role as a public school teacher, and her plan to improve education by funding public schools, and appointing a Secretary of Education who supports public education. 

“My Secretary of Education will believe that public dollars stay in public schools.”

Throughout Warren’s speech, the audience was extremely receptive to both her plans of action, and her messages of strength as they responded to her every word with applause.  

Audience member Anne Carlton, of Centennial praised Warren as someone who reflects the ideals of the American woman. “She cares about what we do, she supports equality, immigration rights and reproductive rights.”

When asked about who she saw herself voting for in democratic primary, Camilla Arnold of Denver stated, “I haven’t made up my mind completely yet, I’m definitely considering Warren but also Bernie. I think they both could win against Trump, but I would love to see a woman president.”

Met with copious support, Warren’s attitude remains strong in the face of the upcoming primary. She seems confident that through her ability and willingness to fight, her plans for structural change will become reality.

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