Elizabeth Warren Fills the Fillmore

Warren supporters outside of the Fillmore

Elizabeth Warren is a 70-year-old candidate for the 2020 presidential election. Warren is running for the democratic party and is the former senator for Massacheutess. Before entering the political work Warren worked as a school teacher and focused her teachings in special education. After graduating from Rutgers University 

Supporters and fans were in abundance. Signs raised high, flags waving in the wind and the chatter of Warren swept through the North Clark street on the beautiful Sunday. Fans dressed accordingly wearing pins and t-shirts praising Warren and filling the area with excitement and cheer. A sea of people flooded the perimeter of the venue with a line extending far beyond the start of 16th street at the intersection of Colfax. The extensive turn out lead to roughly 200 people being denied access to the venue. Since the crowd was so big Elizabeth herself came out to speak those of us outside of the packed Filmore Auditorium. Once the announcement of the closing of the doors around 100 people left; while many stuck around with the hopes of a  possible Warren appearance. At 2:52 pm Warren came outside of the venue to speak to those of us outside. Screams and cheers filled the air when Warren stepped outside as the people of Denver gave her a warm welcome. Warren exclaimed to the crowd as she walked out in her purple winter puffy coat.

“ Denver are we ready for some big structural change ?” 

She appeared composed and eager when addressing the people on the street. Without hesitation or reluctance, she quickly spoke of her passions in women’s health, energy, and big business.

“ I have the best anti-corruption plan this bill for example end lobbying as we know it. Let’s block the revolving door between Wallstreet and Washington. Make the supreme court follow the basic rules of ethics that they don’t do right now. You want to hose a little corruption out of Washington, make everyone who runs for federal office put their tax returns online” Warren exclaimed.

Supporters cheered louder and louder the more Warren went on. When asked if the crowd had any questions the MFJS reporter got this quote on big oil companies and fracking.

“ I will break down big oil and big business and I am against fracking. Yes I am against fracking” exclaimed Warren.

This is important because fracking is an issue that Warren has been back and forth on for quite some time now. 

March 3, 2020, is the primary election date where we will see what candidates are making it to the next phase of their candidacy. From the looks of Bernie Sanders in Denver and Trump in Colorado Springs and Warren in Denver, we have a good look at the divide we have in Colorado. 

One thought on “Elizabeth Warren Fills the Fillmore

  1. sophiesmrcka March 4, 2020 / 4:02 pm

    I like this story a lot! The descriptions of the venue you gave were really engaging, and I almost felt like I was there. The background you provided and the quotes you picked were really fascinating, and I loved reading it 🙂


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