Team Fuego tops Team Con Queso in Sunday’s late-night intra-mural indoor soccer match

Team Fuego’s goaltender looks to clear the ball down court [Photo by Will Belford]
DENVER – After a valiant effort, Team Con Queso fell to Team Fuego 5-1 in their Feb. 9 DU intra-mural indoor soccer matchup at the Richie Center.

The game appeared to be more cutthroat than its final score illustrated. If there was no scoreboard, a spectator would have thought it was tied the entire game.

Immediately following the late 9:30 p.m. kickoff, Team Fuego put in three early goals to put themselves comfortably ahead.

Third-year students Sam Mason and Maddie Kauffman had multiple shots in the first half that looked like sure goals but were stopped short due to Team Fuego’s strong and riveting goalie play. As a result, the first half ended with team Fuego still securely ahead by three goals while Team Con Queso remained scoreless.

Because the game is played on what is known as a sport court, it is extremely fast paced and people are constantly moving. So, when halftime came around, players on both teams were gasping for air and longing for a cold sip of water.

In between breaths, third-year student Reese Foster was able to describe Team Con Queso’s season so far. “We’ve work really well as a team so far,” said Foster. “It’s difficult to come out and play without practicing but we love it”.

After the much-cherished halftime break ended and play commenced, Team Con Queso’s Bobby pushed the ball from his own defensive zone past two trying defenders, down the right boundary line, cutting sharply inside and finishing with a beautiful right-footed chip shot that was perfectly placed in the top left corner of the goal and just managed to escape the goaltender’s fingertips

With seven minutes to go in the match, Team Fuego continued to hold on to its advantage and stretch its lead, as strong passing lead to yet another goal stretching its lead back to three goals.

Even while down by three goals with six minutes to play, Team Con Queso remained eager to come back and regain the lead.

However, morale started to lower after a fifth Team Fuego goal was scored just seconds after the kickoff following the previous goal, stretching the score to 5-1.

Team Con Queso had ability to cut its deficit late in the match after three breakaway opportunities presented themselves with nothing but open field and the goaltender in front of them looking like sure goals. However, each time, Team Fuego’s goaltender managed to protect their lead by making incredible stops to keep the ball out of the goal.

As nothing seemed to go right for Team Con Queso, frustration began to set in. Team Con Queso used these emotions to fuel some amazing defensive play to close out the game.

Team Con Queso’s goaltender stopped a hard outside shot from the top of the box. Score remained 5-1.

Shortly after, a penalty was called on Team Con Queso, with 90 seconds remaining in the match, leading to a defended penalty shot from just outside the top of the box. Kauffman was able to get a leg in front of the shot, deflecting it down the left sideline where the teams would battle it out in a scruff in front of Team Fuego’s goal for the remained of the match.

Although the end result was not what he had hoped for, Team Con Queso’s Sam Mason had a very positive outlook on his teams play and the remainder of the season. “Obviously we would have loved to come out with a win today, but they [Team Fuego] were just playing really well and had some shots that just got by us. I’m really proud of this team and I think we’ll come out a little stronger for our next match.”

One thought on “Team Fuego tops Team Con Queso in Sunday’s late-night intra-mural indoor soccer match

  1. carolineportfolio2017 February 19, 2020 / 5:21 am

    I like the way that this is narrated! Very interesting to follow & good quote from Reese Foster!


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