DU men’s basketball is hopeful for the future

The University of Denver’s Men’s Basketball team fought hard on Saturday, but fell short to Perdue Fort Wayne. In Saturday’s electric game, the Pioneers scored 63 points to the mastodons’ 70. This loss adds another disappointing tally to the Pioneers’ 5-19 record before Saturday. 

Within the first six minutes, the pioneers were leading 13-12 before the first time out. As time progressed the score fell far behind Perdue, finishing up the first half 19 DU to 38 Perdue.

While this comes as a disappointment to Denver’s players, Senior Captain Ade Murkey attributes the less than impressive season to a youthful team 

“I definitely do think that [this year] is regrowing the basketball program. We are a really young team. I think it’s going to shape the team really nicely in the future,” said Murkey. 

Freshman Owen McGlashan agreed with Murkey stating that the team needs time to grow and understand how to play as one team to achieve success.

“With knowledge and experience we will be very good in upcoming years. It’s been shown that we have the potential to be a very good team this year… we just aren’t a mature enough team yet to the point where we are able to finish games,” Said McGlashan. 

The first half showcased a flustered court with the Pioneers unable to set up plays to have a positive impact when on offense. While sophomore starter Jase Townsend was hitting vital three point shots to keep the pioneers back in the game, it wasn’t enough to secure a lead by the end of the first half. 

McGlashan also touched on the team’s strengths, noting that it is their dedication rather than skill that drives the Denver Men’s Basketball program.

“I do believe that our strength is that we never quit in any game and play all the way until the end with effort and energy,” said McGlashan.

The presence from the bench is a testament to the teamwork the Pioneers embody. While the team often struggled on defense, support was radiating from the players off the court. 

The second half started on a strong note for the Pioneers, who recovered most rebounds and scored six points to the Mastodons’ 0 in the first two minutes. The energy can be attributed to Freshman Robert Jones, who made his presence on the court known from the beginning of the second half.

Freshman Guard Roscoe Eastmond vowed that the team will not back down no matter the score of the game or the record. 

“Fight is basically what you’re going to see from us win, lose, or draw,” exclaimed Eastmond. 

Denver fans will not abandon their Pioneers either. With an almost full gym, the crowds electric emotion and cheered on the players until the last buzzer. 

Pioneers players touched on key moments this season, including their home game win against Omaha who dominate at fifth in the league compared to Denver’s ninth place seat in the Summit League.

“We’ve proved that we can compete with everyone in the conference but, that win [against Omaha] proved we can also beat anyone in our conference,” explained Eastmond

While Murkey doesn’t know what is to come for the end of the season, he is hopeful for a chance to play in the playoffs this season and is confident his team will work hard and fight for that opportunity. 

Although the Denver Men’s Basketball program finished off the game with a close loss of 63-70, players are hopeful for the future and are confident the tides are turning with big things yet to come.

“Our time is coming,” stated Eastmond. 

One thought on “DU men’s basketball is hopeful for the future

  1. wgb361 February 19, 2020 / 4:52 pm

    I enjoyed all of the player quotes. It is interesting to hear from an inside point of view. Great commentating and summarization as well.


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