DU improv team impresses crowd of devoted students every Wednesday

Skintight Outrage takes the stage on Wednesday, Feb. 9. [Photo by Olivia Myrtue]

It was a Wednesday night at 8:30 p.m. in Lindsay Auditorium, and dedicated students were ready to watch a show come to life before their eyes. A packed auditorium of students eagerly chatted with their friends, awaiting their favorite de-stressing activity after a long day at the University of Denver. When Skintight Outrage, DU’s improv comedy team, ran out onto the stage, excited students cheered for the actors they have come to know and love week-to-week.

One thought on “DU improv team impresses crowd of devoted students every Wednesday

  1. haleypaez9 February 17, 2020 / 4:37 am

    This sounds like an ideal way to take a break from long hours studying, reading, and homework that we all have to do every day! Instead of watching a Netflix standup, this is a great live comedy alternative.


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